My Mom Sally Bigalke
My Dad Dan Bigalke
My Cousin Nathan Satak
My Cousin Tony Navarro
My Aunt Vicky Danielson
My Aunt Midge Satak
Mike Arturi Universal Music Center
Mark Woerpel from Mark Woerpel music
Jamie Floyd from song therapy online Nashville Songwriters Association International
Ally Judd Trudeau my best friend from junior high
Universal Music Center designer of the friend above lyric video and A Friend Above All photography
Jessica from Jordan Towers for sharing the story in our newsletter
Bart Herbison of the Nashville songwriters association for sharing and helping tell the story behind the song
Scott Herold of Rock the Cause Records for helping get the song and story to the masses
Zoe from Fair Trade Books stayed with me when I fell on the ice and sustained my leg injury. Zoe stayed with her dog and offered me help. One of the first angels seen she is part of what started the A Friend Above All project
Chelsea Lockrem for A Friend Above All website development
Anna Filkins for the featured vocals on A Friend AboveAll
Along with many other supporters, too many to mention.
Thank you!
Joe Bigalke